Thanks for your visit! Note that shipping fees ARE estimated. If actual shipping is less than charged, you will receive a refund after your order is packaged up. More info on the checkout page!



Welcome to my online store!


PayPal securely handles your payment. Even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can just enter your information into their secure server. I never see your credit card information and PayPal has been a trusted (and reliable) service for many years. You can pay with your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover. Or, you can pay using your PayPal balance. Guest checkout is also available (no account required).



Shipping costs have been steadily rising over the past few years. And, from time to time, I do have to evaluate those charges. I personally don't like paying for shipping either, but, it is part of the online shopping convenience. Know that 'free shipping' really isn't free. In those cases, the cost of the shipping is put against the products. Shipping also has to cover costs like packaging, bubble wrap, packaging peanuts & more. As well as trips to the PO or UPS drop off points.

But, given that I do ship to all US States, US Territories and support our deployed military (at bases around the world), I do have to frequently review costs. If you put a few items in your basket, you may see the shipping charge a bit higher than you may expect. Trust that I'm not using shipping for profit. And after your order is packaged up, I will refund you back for overpaid shipping. You don't have to ask. I just do that as a courtesy to you.

I ship with both USPS (United States Postal Service) and UPS (that brown van...) and choose the service that offers you the best deal.


Social Media:

It may sound weird, but I'm not a fan of social media. My Facebook page has been unattended for years due to privacy concerns and while I do post and pin on Pinterest, that has always been more for me than about products. Even my kids aren't fans, so it may be a family thing!  Another goal is to start using my Instagram account, but right now, that's definitely on a backburner. If you ever have a question, though, please let me know.

If you do want to find me on X (formerly Twitter), it is @coquettebath.  Most of the time I post about supporting handmade and small business, and the weather. Yep, I do post about new products, but honestly, most folks' feed looks more like an infomercial than anything. I hope you find my comments engaging!

Of course, my small business needs and appreciates your raves. I've always found that the very best publicity is from happy customers posting their love online. People are smart, and it is pretty clear when some company is tooting their horn. If you feel the urge to tell your friends & family about my products...thank you. My business has grown a lot over the past 5 years (especially) due to the happy raves of satisfied customers. I've been doing what I do since 2001...and every year, I love it more. I have the best customers and you are definitely appreciated. Thank you.


Discounts & More:

Everyone wants a deal, right? I sure do. But as a small business, I also know that nothing ever is free. A company offering a lot of discounts just means that they have put their 'regular' prices where they get enough profit to offer you a deal. I don't do that. I strive to keep prices reasonable (and some, in fact, haven't had a price increase for 5 years or more...despite the fact that all of my ingredients are going up. I'm making less, but I just can't overcharge folks...)

For this reason, I don't offer, and don't have, discount codes available. I have been getting a number of requests for that, lately, but given the well reported issues with spam emails & such, I'm not going to respond to any. If you've sent me such an email, it isn't personal. I'm here to provide the best product I can, at a price that is reasonable for both of us. I appreciate your business AND your understanding.


Events & more:

Prior to the pandemic, I did local shows in the fall season. Lots of them. And I loved meeting people and getting feedback in real time. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing someone smell something and just grin with happiness. And, if they didn't like it, well that opposite face gave me a lot of good feedback, too! (Usually though, people did love!).

I do need to get back into that swing, but with family weddings and other events the past few years, I have not been able to plan my world as I used too. As soon as my 'show life' returns, I'll bring back my 'Where I'm At' page so that you can find me locally.

Another storefront? Well, I have been musing about it. But, while the idea of having a storefront is extremely lovely...the cost of running one has gotten crazy high. So high that it really does not seem possible that a single person can run a shop (and keep reasonable hours for both of us.). But again, if I decide to do it, you'll know about it!