On my last post, I promised to do better with blogging...and so, it has only been about a month since the last one. I'm working on even better.
Today is Sunday, July 2nd. In a few days, we (in the US) will celebrate the 247th anniversary of our founding. I remember the 200th. The Bicentennial. July 4, 1976. There was a traveling group of artists/actors who set up a town park. Pretending to be residents of a town in 1776 right before the war. You were told you could talk them about the King, and about the Rebels but if you spoke to them about modern times, they'd give you a weird look.
all in period costumes. With backdrops that fit the period. What an amazing show. I remember one lady spinning yarn in her 'living room' and discussing the troubles with us. British accent & all. Shaking her head over the crazy things going on.
I like things like that. I wish I knew what group did the event. I only remember that they were all fairly young (though much older than I was) and that it was a 'traveling show'. But wow...definitely put the day into a different focus. I think museums and events like this are important. We can't redo the past, but learning from it is critical to life in the future. The old saying that if you forget the past, you are doomed to repeat it. And if you forget the past, you don't always respect what others went through.
I think both are apt right now.
I hope you have a great day. I'm having my kids and their significant others over for a cookout (even though it is supposed to be triple digits...sigh). Maybe a few friends of theirs, too. The more the merrier. Wishing you & yours a wonderful day. And I'm already looking forward to the 250th birthday of the US of A.